Quick and Easy Recipe of Ginger Garlic paste

Our Indian food is always very well known for its balanced nutrition. Our elders have always given priority to the taste along with some good health benefits. Ginger garlic paste is the most prominent ingredient of our Indian kitchens. It adds an amazing flavor to the food as well as it gives incredible health benefits.

Our elders used to prepare fresh ginger garlic paste prior to cooking and use it. But nowadays we are very busy with our hustle-bustle life. Either we buy it from the grocery store or prepare the paste for a month. Sometimes the paste doesn’t last for a month.

In this blog, I have explained the recipe of Ginger garlic paste which you can easily store for a month even without a fridge. Yes… You read it right! Without fridge!

Come let us prepare the Ginger garlic paste.

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Recipe of ginger garlic paste

Ginger Garlic recipe

Prep Time 15 days 5 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Cuisine Indian
Servings 10
Calories 2 kcal


  • Mixer Grinder


  • 1/2 cup Ginger
  • 1/2 cup Garlic
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp Lemon
  • 1 tbsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Cooking oil


  • Peel the skin of Ginger with the help of a spoon or a peeler.
  • To peel the skin of Garlic, slightly press the garlic with a knife. The skin becomes loose and easily comes out of the garlic.
  • Cut the white part of the garlic and discard it.
  • Collect the skin of Ginger in a bowl and I will tell a hack in the last
  • Now, cut the ginger into small pieces and collect it in a blender.
  • Now add an equal proportion of Ginger garlic into the blender.
  • Add 2 Tblsp of cooking oil and 1 Tsp of salt into the blender.
  • Blend it smoothly without adding water. If you add water, the paste can not last for a longer duration.
  • add 1 and a half spoons of lemon juice to the paste and mix it thoroughly.
  • Collect the paste into a dry Glass container or an airtight container.


Keyword Recipe of ginger garlic paste


  • Take two equal portions of Ginger and Garlic
    recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Peel the skin of Ginger with the help of a spoon or a peeler.

    Recipe of ginger garlic paste

    Recipe of ginger garlic paste

  • To peel the skin of Garlic, slightly press the garlic with a knife. The skin becomes loose and easily comes out of the garlic.
    recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Cut the white part of the garlic and discard it.
  • Collect the skin of Ginger in a bowl and I will tell a hack in the last
    Recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Now, cut the ginger into small pieces and collect it in a blender.
    Recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Now add an equal proportion of Ginger garlic into the blender.
    Recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Add 2 Tblsp of cooking oil and 1 Tsp of salt into the blender.
    recipe of ginger garlic paste
    recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Blend it smoothly without adding water. If you add water, the paste can not last for a longer duration.
  • add 1 and a half spoons of lemon juice to the paste and mix it thoroughly.
    Recipe of ginger garlic paste
  • Collect the paste into a dry Glass container or an airtight container.
    Recipe of ginger garlic paste

You can easily store the Ginger garlic paste at room temperature. If you wish to keep it in the fridge, you can.

I have clearly explained the recipe of ginger garlic paste in a very simple and easy method. Do give it a try and share your reviews.

Learn how to make Pudina chutney in one step and watch the video click here

Bonus hack!

We had collected the peeled skin of Ginger in a separate bowl right?. Now we will prepare an amazing Tea powder with it, Instead of discarding it.

Recipe of ginger garlic paste

Air dry all the skin under the sun for a day or two. Grind it into a smooth powder and store it in a dry container. You can store it in the fridge also. Now add 1 tsp of the powder to the tea while preparing Masala chai. You can also prepare a plain Ginger tea with it and get the maximum health benefits.


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